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Editing a project

1 min read

Should you wish to make any edits to your project, such as allocate yourself a task (which can then automatically populated in your calendar and reminders) it can be done simply by adding a task to your project.

The project manager can also assign you a task, and if you are not a part of an organisation, you can choose to accept it. Organisational tasks are added by default and all users within the project are notified. 

A project is automatically tracked from inception and can be modified and viewed on both Mobile and Web platforms. Though the interface may be slightly different, both platforms maintain the same functionality and allow users to accomplish a variety of tasks. 

Provided you have a team on your project, you can efficiently manage sub projects within a project, depending on organisational hierarchy (for individual accounts, this feature requires conversion to an organisational account). 

A simulated timeline can playback the expectations of a project progress, giving your team anticipated time goals depending on the tasks within a given project and project complexity. Please be aware, that these are only project estimations which will improve in accuracy over time, and the time allocated to a project should be assigned appropriately. 

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